Too much monkey business
C#Running to and fro hard working at the mail never C#7fail in the mail yet come a rotten deal. F#7Too much monkey business C#too much monkey business G#7too much monkey business for F#7me to be involved C#in.G#7 Salesman talking to me trying to run me up a creek say you can buy it, go and try it you can pay me next week. Blond-haired, good-looking trying to get me hooked want me to marry get a home settle down write a book. Same thing every day getting up, going to school no need in me complaining my objection's overruled. Pay phone something's wrong dime gone will mail I ought to sue the operator for telling me a tale. Been to Yokohama been fighting in the war army bunk, army chow army clothes, army car. Working in the filling station too many tasks wipe the windows check the tires check the oil dollar gas! Too much monkey business ... |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:09.33+00:00
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